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Photo from the Executive Board Meeting of 2017.

Our host was
Dr. Mostafa Hemmati at Arkansas Tech University. 
Photos courtesy of Dr. Abdel Bachri of SAU.
Click pictures for larger versions.

2017 AAS Executive Board Members Meeting at ATU.

Photos from the 98th Annual Meeting of the Academy, 2014.

Our host was Harding University. The local arrangement committee was lead by Dr. Ed Wilson.
Photos courtesy of Dr. Collis Geren.
Click pictures for larger versions.

2013 AAS President, Dr. Jeff Robertson (ATU) .
Dr. Ed Wilson from Harding University.
Dr. Amber Straughn, the keynote speaker
Drs. Robertson, Straughn and Wilson working the presentation logistics
Keynote address: Beyond Hubble: A New Era in Astronomy with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope
Dr. Straughn answering specific questions after her presentation!
View of the posters presented
Discussion during poster presentation. AAS is great venue for students who present for the first time .
Dr. Robertson presenting awards to students
Dr. Roberson passing the charge to Dr. Abdel Bachri, the 2014 AAS president

Photos from 2013's annual meeting of the AAS.
We met at the Clarion Hotel in Little Rock.  Thanks to Dr. Jeff Robertson for organizing another great meeting!  Click pictures for larger versions.

Drs. Jeff Robertson and Ivan Still (Arkansas Tech) try to finish their homework during a lull at the registration table.
The AAS Executive Committee.   Drs. Mostafa Hemmati, Scott Kirkconnell, Marc Seigar, Jeff Robertson, Abdel Bachri, Ivan Still, and Bill Doria.  Dr. Collis Geren is manning the camera.
Dr. Frank Hardcastle (Arkansas Tech) speaks at the conference.
Dr. Laurence Hardy (Ouachita Mountains Biological Station) and his audience about to be sprayed by a giant spotted skunk.
Dr. Ed Wilson (Harding Univ.) gives chats with his students during a break.
Dr. Ed Wilson (Harding Univ.) and his students presented some interesting research!
Dr. Joyce Hardin (Hendrix College) and her students relax after the presentations.
Students put together some great posters .
If nanobots decide to take over the world, they should look over this poster first.
Several student researchers investigated Arkansas ecosystems.
Even brand-new scientists were intrigued by the snazzy microscopes being shown by a vendor.
Academy members discuss the posters and presentatioins they just saw.
Students Emily Cariker, Adam Bigott (both of Hendrix College), and Julia Davis (Harding University) won awards for their life science presentations .
Arkansas Tech student Devon Dodd won an award for his physical science presentation
Grad student Jessica Hartman (UAMS) got a certificate for her presentation in the life sciences.
Southern Arkansas University student Nicole Long-Aragon's life science poster earned her an award.
Barbara Rutter, a student at Southern Arkansas University got an award for her physical science poster.
Dr. Jeffrey Gaffney spoke about climate-change measurements during the keynote address.
Keynote speaker Dr. Jeffrey Gaffney takes questions from the audience as Academy President Marc Seigar (UALR) looks on.
After the keynote speech, Academy members perform an experiment in metabolizing chicken at the banquet.
Academy treasurer Dr. Mostafa Hemati (Arkansas Tech) reports at the business meeting.
The new interim president of the Academy, Dr. Jeff Robertson (Arkansas Tech).  Will he use his new power for good or evil?  Stay tuned!

Photos from 2012's annual meeting of the AAS.
We met at Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia.  Thanks to Dr. Abdel Bachri for hosting a terrific meeting!  Click pictures for larger versions.

Visitors register for the conference.
The AAS Executive Committee.  Despite appearances, we did more than just eat.  Drs. Doug James (3rd from left), Bill Doria, Kurt Grafton, Marc Seigar (under the plant), Ron Tackett's hands, Ivan Still (hiding), Mostafa Hemmati, Collis Geren's arm.
Dr. David Jamieson (Crowder College) speaks at the conference.
Dr. Tobin Fuller (Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission) gave an interesting presentation.
When AAS members get out of hand, Dr. Stan Trauth (Arkansas State Univ.) gives them The Look.
Student presenters shared some exciting research!
More excellent work by a student presenter.
A presenter discusses his slide of a eukaryotic cell (not actual size).
Some winners of awards for the best student posters and presentations.
Student researchers share great ideas at the poster session.
The poster session was well attended.
A student presenter explains her work.
A student presenter lays down the science.
The guy in the bathroom had to wait until Sunday before he could open the door.
Another poster in a room full of great ideas.
Keynote speaker Dr. David Gross (center) and meeting coordinator Dr. Abdel Bachri (r) relax before the main event.
Dr. Abdel Bachri (Southern Arkansas Univ.) introduces the keynote speaker.
Dr. David Gross, Nobel laureate in physics, spoke on recent developments in particle physics.
Dr. David Gross at the keynote address .
Dr. Gross takes a question from the audience.
SAU provided a terrific meal after the keynote address.  Scientists don't just talk about particles, they eat them too.
Dr. Ron Tackett speaks at the AAS business meeting.
Dr. Douglas James gives us an update on the work done by the Biota committee.
Dr. Marc Seigar (l) becomes the new President of the AAS, taking over from Dr. Kurt Grafton (r).
New president Dr. Marc Seigar gives the Gavel of Power a few practice swings.  He's now ready for smiting!

Photos from 2011's annual meeting of the AAS.
We met at the University of Arkansas at Monticello.  Dr. Morris Bramlett of UAM hosted a great meeting!  Click pictures for larger versions.

UAM's Provost welcomes AAS officers to campus.  Drs. Mostafa Hemmati (l) and Morris Bramlett (r) look on.
The Brain Trust!  AAS officers plan their next move.  (l-r) Drs. Ivan Still, Marc Seigar, Morris Bramlett, Jeff Robertson, Mostafa Hemmati.
Posters were popular with meeting attendees.
Drs. Scott Kirkconnell and Ivan Still convert matter into energy at the meeting mixer.
Winners of this year's awards for posters and presentations.  Well-deserved!
AAS President-Elect Dr. Kurt Grafton of Lyon College at the Executive Committee meeting.  Note the Gavel of Power on the desk.
Drs. Kurt Grafton and AAS President Jeff Robertson of Arkansas Tech University at the Executive Committee meeting.